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Beauty & Rejuvenation Clinic

Our Privacy Statement

At Fifteen Twelve Beauty, we take privacy extremely seriously.


As part of our effort to protect your privacy we engage in data minimization, limited collection, and limited use, among other key areas addressed below.


Last revised June 6, 2023


This Privacy Statement, as well as our Terms and Conditions are available on our website and online store.  


If you do not agree with our Terms and Conditions or this Privacy Statement, please discontinue use of our websites and mobile applications immediately.

Applicability and Scope

Since January 1, 2004, all Canadian organizations engaged in commercial activities have been required to comply with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (“PIPEDA”) and the Canadian Standards Association Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information incorporated by reference into PIPEDA. In addition, an Act respecting the Protection of Personal Information in the Private Sector has been in force in Quebec since 1994 and sets out rules regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal information within that province.

Personal information is defined in PIPEDA as information about an identifiable individual, but does not include the name, title or business address or telephone number of an employee of an organization. In other words, it does not include the information that one expects to find on a business card.

This Privacy Statement (“Statement”) applies to the websites located at,,,,, the FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY mobile applications and any other websites or applications owned and operated by FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY INC., FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY, FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY & REJUVENATION, FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY & REJUVENATION CLINIC and FIFTEEN TWELVE, brands or products that direct the viewer or user to this Statement.

In this Statement, the terms “FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY INC.,” “FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY,”  “FIFTEEN TWELVE,”  “we,” and “us” refers to FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY INC. Corporation and its respective subsidiaries and affiliated companies. Note that websites that are owned and operated by FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY may contain links to digital properties that are owned and operated by other companies. This Statement does not apply to websites and services that are owned and operated by unaffiliated third parties.

Updates to this Privacy Statement

This Statement went into effect on the “Last Revised” date noted near the top of this page. We may update this Statement from time to time. We will notify you of any modifications to this Statement that might materially affect your rights or the way that we use or disclose your personal information prior to the change becoming effective by means of a message on this website. We encourage you to look for updates and changes to this Statement by checking the “Last Revised” date when you access our websites and mobile applications.

Information We Collect

As you use our websites and mobile applications or visit one of our stores, we collect information about you and the services you use. The information we collect falls into three main categories: (1) information you voluntarily provide us; (2) information we collect from you automatically; and (3) information we collect from other sources.

Some examples of when we collect this information include when you browse or make a purchase on one of our websites or mobile application; create a FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY account (when this option becomes available); use our website or mobile application to purchase, reload or redeem a FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY Card; use the order and pay functionality in our mobile applications; buy or send a gift card or e-gift; or participate in a survey or promotion.


(a) Information You Voluntarily Provide Us


Some information we collect is provided when you use our services, such as when you create an account, add a Stored Value FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY Card, or join FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY Rewards loyalty program (when such services become available); pay for products; book a FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY Appointment; or submit online forms through our websites or mobile applications.


This may include your first and last name, username, password, email address, postal address, phone number, financial account information such as a credit card number, the day and month of your birthday, demographic information (such as your gender), and any other information you give us, such as to participate in a promotion or to contact FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY customer service.


You may also choose to permit us to access information directly from your device, such as information in the device’s “contacts list”. The term “your device” as used in this Statement refers to any computer, tablet, smart phone or other device you are using to access our websites or to operate the FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY mobile applications. For more information about mobile application permissions.


You may also in some instances provide us information about other people, such as name, phone number and email address, including when you direct us to send someone a gift card or e-gift.


(b) Information We May Collect Automatically


Fifteen Twelve does not collect all of the information noted below at this time, but may do so from time to time in the future.


Purchasing Information – We may collect information about your transactions in our stores, on our websites or via our FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY mobile applications including what products you purchase, how frequently you purchase them, any Rewards or promotions associated with a purchase, and the products you have placed on your “Wishlist” or “My Bag” for future purchase (when these options become available).


Device and Usage Information – We may collect information about your browser or device. This information may include the type of device you are using, your operating system, your browser, your internet service provider, your domain name, your internet protocol (“IP”) address, your device and mobile ad identifiers (e.g., Apple IDFA or Android AAID), the website that referred you to our website, the web pages of our website that you view (including the date and time you viewed them), the services or functionality you access or use (including the date and time of your access or use), and the subject of the ads you click or scroll over. To collect this information, we may use log files that record events in connection with your use of our services, as well as cookies and similar technologies, such as web beacons embedded in marketing emails to monitor the engagement of recipients.


CCTV Information – Closed circuit video surveillance cameras (“CCTV”) may be installed at some of our retail locations to monitor building security and assist in crime prevention, detection, and investigation, and to ensure the health and safety of our staff and visitors to our facilities.


Location Information – We may collect information about the location of your device, such as information that identifies your device’s precise location (for example, GPS latitude and longitude level) or its approximate location (e.g., less precise location estimated based on a browser or device’s IP address). We may also use location-based technology in our retail locations, such as iBeacons, to collect information about the presence of your device, if your Bluetooth is turned on and your device settings allow for this.


We collect this location information or derive it from your GPS, WiFi, Bluetooth or other device settings for purposes of enhancing or facilitating our services, such as to enable the functionality of our websites or mobile applications that provide you with information about stores near you, to enable you to remotely order and pay for our products and services, or so that you may have certain FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY products delivered to you by a third-party vendor.


We may also use information about the location of the device you are using to help us understand how our websites, mobile applications, and other services and functionality are being used, or to deliver more relevant advertising or personalized experiences for you, including tailored marketing offers or messages based on your location or related context such as the time of day or weather. If you want to opt out of the collection of this location information, please see the section below. To learn more about our mobile-based location services, please see the FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY mobile applications.


(c) Information We Collect from Other Sources


Fifteen Twelve does not collect all of the information noted below at this time, but may do so from time to time in the future.


Some information we collect is from unaffiliated sources, including in some cases information that is publicly available, provided by or purchased from marketing business partners, or present on social media platforms.


For example, we may collect information you submit to a blog, a chat room, or a social network like Facebook or Twitter. We may also collect or license information about you from other companies and organizations, such as information aggregators or event or promotion co-sponsors, including to supplement information that we receive from you. We may also in some cases receive information about you from FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY-affiliated entities, which we handle in accordance with this Privacy Statement. By gathering additional information about you, we can correct inaccurate information, enhance the security of your transactions and help prevent fraud, and give you product recommendations and special offers that are more likely to interest you.


How We Use Your Information

We use your information for business and commercial purposes, including to provide the products and services you request, to perform customer service functions, for security and fraud prevention, for marketing and promotional purposes, and to perform website and mobile application analytics.


We may use the information we collect about you in a variety of ways, including to:


(a) To Provide Our Services.


We process certain personal information when you access or use our services, including to:


  • process your purchases of, or requests for, products and services;
  • register and verify user accounts;
  • support and improve our loyalty programs, when they become availale
  • deliver gift cards or e-gifts, and any associated personalized messages, in accordance with your instructions;
  • facilitate the functionality of our websites and mobile applications, including payment-related functionality; and
  • customize experiences and personalization when you are in and around our stores, if you have given permission for location sharing.


(b) To Communicate With You.


We process certain information in order to communicate with you in relation to your accounts, our services, our marketing, and your requests, including to:


  • communicate with you about orders, purchases, returns, services, accounts, programs, contests, and sweepstakes;
  • respond to your customer service inquiries and requests for information;
  • post your comments or statements on our websites;
  • send you personalized promotions, content, and special offers;
  • communicate with you about our brands, products, events, or other promotional purposes;
  • implement your communications preferences, such as sharing information with FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY business partners so that they may email you about their promotions, products and initiatives; and
  • provide important product safety information and notice of product recalls.


(c) For Research, Development, and Improvement of Our Services.


We want to ensure that our website, mobile applications, and services are continually improving and expanding so that we meet and exceed your needs and expectations. To do so, we may process certain personal information, including to:


  • maintain, improve, and analyze our websites, mobile applications, ads, and the products and services we offer; and
  • detect, prevent, or investigate suspicious activity or fraud.


(d) To Enforce our Terms, Agreements, or Policies.


To maintain a safe, secure, and trusted environment for you when you use our websites, mobile applications, and other services, we use your personal information to ensure our terms, policies, and agreements with you and any third parties are enforced.


(e) To Comply with Applicable Laws.


We may be required to process certain personal information under certain laws and regulations, such as tax laws, as well as to:


  • maintain appropriate records for internal administrative purposes; and
  • comply with applicable legal and regulatory obligations, and respond to lawful governmental requests, as needed.


(f) With Your Consent.


We may process certain personal information in order to fulfill any other business or commercial purposes at your direction or with your consent.

How We Share Your Information

We share your information as needed to fulfill the purposes described in this Privacy Statement and as permitted by applicable law. This includes sharing among FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY-affiliated entities for internal business purposes, sharing with service providers to help perform business functions at our direction, sharing with your consent, sharing for marketing purposes, sharing as part of corporate transactions, and sharing to protect lawful interests.


We may share your information in the following circumstances:


(a) When We Work Together


We may share information between and among FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY Corporation, its subsidiaries, and affiliated companies for purposes of management and analysis, decision making, and other business purposes. For example, we may share your information with our subsidiaries and affiliated companies to administer our loyalty programs, process orders and requests, and expand and promote our product and service offerings.


(b) When We Work with Service Providers


We may share your information with service providers that provide us with support services, such as credit card processing, website hosting, email and postal delivery, location mapping, product and service delivery, analytics services, or conducting academic research. We strive to contractually prohibit these service providers from retaining, using, or disclosing your confidential personal information for any purpose other than performing agreed upon services for us.


(c) When We Work on Business Transactions


If we become involved with a merger, corporate transaction or another situation involving the transfer of some or all of our business assets, we may share your information with business entities or people involved in the negotiation or transfer.


(d) When Sharing Helps Us Protect Safety and Lawful Interests


We may disclose your information if we believe that the disclosure is required by law, if we believe that the disclosure is necessary to enforce our agreements or policies, or if we believe that the disclosure will help us protect the rights, property, health or safety of FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY or our customers or partners.


(e) When We Work with Marketing Service Providers


We may share your information with marketing service providers to assess, develop and provide you with promotions and special offers that may interest you, administer contests, sweepstakes and events or for other promotional purposes.


(f) When You Give Consent


We may share information about you with other companies if you give us permission or direct us to share the information.


(g) When the Information Does Not Identify You


We may share your information in a way that does not directly identify you. For example, we may share information about your use of our websites and mobile applications in a manner that does not identify you, or we may combine information about the nature or frequency of your transactions with similar information about other people and share the aggregated information for statistical analysis and other business purposes.


(h) When You Post on Our Websites


If you post information on a blog or another part of our websites, the information that you post may be seen by other visitors to our websites, including your user name.

How We May Allow Others to Collect Your Information

When you use our websites or mobile applications, we may allow third parties to collect device and usage information and location information across your different devices through mobile software development kits, cookies, web beacons and other similar technologies.  


These third parties collect this information for the following purposes and for other purposes consistent with their own privacy policies:


To Display Ads for Products or Services – We allow some advertising companies to collect this information in order to display ads that are more relevant to you across your different devices and on our own and others’ websites and mobile apps. Please see section of this Statement for more information about opting out of targeted advertising and controlling the use of cookies, web beacons, and other similar technologies. 


To Understand the Use of Our Services – We allow certain service providers to collect this information to help us understand how our websites and mobile applications are used and to assist us in improving the content and operation of our online properties (e.g., compiling analytics and measuring user engagement with a particular website or feature through A/B testing). These service providers collect aggregate statistical usage data that is not matched or linked to any individual user.


To Make the Services of Other Companies Work on Our Websites – We allow companies to use cookies, web beacons, and other similar technologies to enhance the operations of particular services and functionality of our websites and mobile applications. For example, we allow Adobe to set and enable special cookies that are necessary to deliver video content for Adobe Flash Player. These cookies are called Flash cookies. To manage Flash cookies, see the “Your Choices” section below.


To Link Your Activity on Our Websites to Your Social Networks – We have added certain features to our websites and mobile applications that allow social networks (such as Facebook and Twitter) to track the activities of their members or collect certain information when they use our website or mobile applications. These features may include technologies called “plug-ins” and “widgets.” Plug-ins create a direct link between two websites, and widgets are interactive mini-programs that provide other companies’ services on our websites. If you are concerned about the way a social network is tracking your activity, please contact the social network or review its privacy policy.  

Cookies, Web Beacons and Similar Technologies

We and others may use a variety of technologies to collect information about your device and use of our websites and mobile applications. These technologies include first- and third-party cookies, web beacons, JavaScript, entity tags, and HTML local storage. Most web browsers can be programmed to accept or reject the use of some or all of these technologies, although you must take additional steps to disable or control other technologies. For more information on exercising your preferences in relation to cookies and similar technologies, please see the section of this Statement.


Cookies – Cookies are small data files that are sent from a website’s server and are stored on your device’s hard drive either for only the duration of your visit (“session cookies”) or for a fixed period (“persistent cookies”). Cookies contain information that can later be read by a web server.


Web Beacons – Web beacons are small, transparent images that are embedded in web pages, applications, and emails that are sometimes called “clear gifs,” “single pixel gifs”, “page tags” or “web bugs.” We use web beacons to track the web pages you visit, to test the effectiveness of our marketing, and to find out if an email has been opened and acted on.


JavaScript – JavaScript are code snippets embedded in various parts of websites and applications that facilitate a variety of operations including accelerating the refresh speed of certain functionality or monitoring usage of various online components.


Entity Tags — Entity Tags are HTTP code mechanisms that allow portions of websites to be stored or “cached” within your browser and validates these caches when the website is opened, accelerating website performance since the web server does not need to send a full response if the content has not changed.


HTML5 Local Storage – HTML5 local storage allows data from websites to be stored or “cached” within your browser to store and retrieve data in HTML5 pages when the website is revisited.


These and similar technologies are used for the following purposes:


Services and Functionality – Some of these technologies are required to allow you to access and use our websites or mobile applications and the various services and functionality we offer. Without these technologies, some of the services and functionality on our websites and mobile applications would not work properly.


Performance Monitoring – Some of these technologies help us analyze and estimate traffic and assess the volume of use of services and functionality on websites and mobile applications. They show us how visitors and customers interact with our digital properties, whether there are any errors, the degree to which certain web pages, applications, services or functionality are accessed and used and how they are performing or operating. When these technologies are used for performance monitoring, no directly identifiable information (e.g., your name, email address or phone number) is collected.


User Convenience – Some of these technologies enhance the ease of use of our websites and mobile applications and the services and functionality they make available by accelerating load and refresh times and remembering information that you have provided on prior visits to our websites or when you last used a website or mobile application service or functionality.


Marketing – Some of these technologies are used to tailor your experience on our website, within our mobile applications, or across your applications or devices by controlling the promotions, advertisements and other marketing messages that may appear when you access or use these or other digital properties.


Taken together, these technologies help us learn which services and functionality you are using and how you are accessing information about us. We may use this information to personalize your visit to a website or use of a mobile application or to send you relevant promotions and advertisements.

Your Choices

You have control over your promotional communications preferences, mobile application functionality, cookie settings, interest-based advertising preferences, Flash cookies, and more.


Promotional Communication Choices


You can opt out of receiving promotional emails and mailings by informing us of your preference at the time you sign up for a FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY account (when this becomes available), by modifying your promotional preferences online in your account’s profile management section, or by following the “unsubscribe” instructions in the promotional emails we send you. Similarly, you may opt in to receive text messages, telephone calls and mailings. Please note that if you opt out of receiving promotional communications from us, we may still send you transactional communications, including emails about your FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY accounts or purchases.


Cookies, Web Beacons and Similar Technologies


You may be able to reject cookies, web beacons, entity tags and HTML5 local storage by adjusting the appropriate settings in your browser. Each browser is different, but many browsers have preferences or options that may be adjusted to allow you to either accept or reject cookies and certain other technologies before they are set or installed, or allow you to remove or reject the use or installation of certain technologies altogether. If you want to learn the correct way to modify your browser settings, please use the Help menu in your browser or review the instructions provided by the following browsers: Internet ExplorerGoogle ChromeMozilla FirefoxSafari DesktopSafari Mobile; and Android browser.


For more information on how to opt-out of tracking technology from Google Analytics, click here.


Interest-Based Ads


Many advertising companies that collect information for interest-based advertising are members of the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) or the Network Advertising Initiative (NAI), both of which maintain websites where people can opt out of interest-based advertising from their members. To opt-out of website interest-based advertising provided by each organization’s respective participating companies, visit the DAA’s opt-out portal available at, the DAA of Canada’s opt-out portal available at, or visit the NAI’s opt-out portal available at


Residents of the European Union may opt-out of online behavioral advertising served by the European Interactive Digital Advertising Alliance’s participating member organizations by visiting


To opt-out of data collection for interest-based advertising across mobile applications by participating companies, download the DAA’s AppChoices mobile application opt-out offering here:


Adobe Flash Player Technology


We allow Adobe to set and enable special cookies that are necessary to deliver video content for Adobe Flash Player. You cannot remove Flash cookies simply by changing your browser settings. If you would like to limit the websites that can store information in Flash cookies on your device, you must visit the Adobe website:


“Do Not Track” Technology


Some newer web browsers have a “Do Not Track” preference that transmits a “Do Not Track” header to the websites you visit with information indicating that you do not want your activity to be tracked. We currently do not respond to browser “Do Not Track” signals, as there is no standard for how online services should respond to such signals. As standards develop, we may develop policies for responding to do-not-track signals that we will describe in this Privacy Statement.

How to Manage Your Account Information and Your Privacy Rights

Upon request we will provide you with information about whether we hold any of your personal information and how it is used. You may access, correct, or remove your personal information by contacting us as described in the Contact Us section.

How We Protect Your Information

FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY protects your information using technical, physical, and administrative security measures to reduce the risk of loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure or modification of your information. When you transmit highly sensitive information (such as a credit card number) through our website or our booking applications, we encrypt the transmission of that information using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol.


However, no security system is perfect, and due to the inherent nature of the Internet, we cannot guarantee that data, including personal information, is absolutely safe from intrusion or other unauthorized access by others. You are responsible for protecting your password(s) and maintaining the security of your devices.

Retention and Disposal of Your Information

FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY stores personal information as needed to accomplish the purposes identified in this Privacy Statement and to meet legal requirements, including record retention, resolving disputes, and enforcing our agreements. Our retention of your personal information is governed by applicable law. This storage period may extend beyond the term of your relationship with FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY.


The personal information that you provide us is stored and processed on servers owned by FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY and other companies in the United States, Canada or elsewhere around the world, including locations outside of the country or jurisdiction where you are located. Regardless of the company or person who processes your information and where it is processed, we will take steps to transfer and protect your information through appropriate safeguards in accordance with applicable data protection laws and this Privacy Statement. 


When personal information is no longer needed, or in any event, after legal authority to retain it has expired, personal information will be destroyed, in accordance with local law and pursuant to procedures established in relation to the relevant FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY system or process.

Children’s Privacy

We do not intend for our websites or online services to be used by anyone under the age of 18. If you are a parent or guardian and believe we may have collected information about your child, please contact us immediately as described.


FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY provides you access to wireless internet (WiFi) at no charge. For any such WiFi access, please carefully review the terms of use listed on the activation page prior to accepting and connecting.

Additional Disclosures for California Residents

In the preceding twelve months we may have disclosed these categories of personal information for a business purpose:




    • Sources of Information – We collect identifiers from the information you voluntarily provide to us; from the information we automatically collect; and from other sources, as outlined in Section 3(a)-(c) above.
    • Purpose of Information Collected – We collect identifiers to provide our services; to communicate with you; for research and development and services improvement; and to comply with applicable laws, and as otherwise outlined in Section 4 above.
    • How we share it – We share identifiers with our service providers; to protect lawful interests; and for any other purpose with your consent, as otherwise outlined in Section 5 above.

Personal information under California Civil Code section 1798.80


    • Sources of Information – We collect Section 1798.80 information from the information you voluntarily provide to us; from the information we automatically collect; and from other sources, as outlined in Section 3(a)-(c) above.
    • Purpose of Information Collected – We collect Section 1798.80 information for the purposes outlined in Section 4(a)-(f) above.
    • How we share it – We share identifiers with our service providers; to protect lawful interests; and for any other purpose with your consent, as otherwise outlined in Section 5 above.

Commercial information


    • Sources of Information – We collect commercial information from the information you voluntarily provide to us; from the information we automatically collect; and from other sources, as outlined in Section 3(a)-(c) above.
    • Purpose of Information Collected – We collect commercial information to provide our services; to communicate with you; for research and development and services improvement; and to comply with applicable laws, and as otherwise outlined in Section 4 above.
    • How we share it – We share commercial information with our service providers and FIFTEEN TWELVE BEAUTY affiliates, as outlined in Section 5(a), (b) and (e) above.

Electronic network activity information


    • Sources of Information – We collect network information through the information you voluntarily provide to us; from the information we automatically collect; and from other sources, as outlined in Section 3(a)-(c) above.
    • Purpose of Information Collected – We collect network information to provide our services; to communicate with you; for research and development and services improvement; and to comply with applicable laws, and as otherwise outlined in Section 4 above.
    • How we share it – We share network information with our service providers; to protect lawful interests; and for any other purpose with your consent, as outlined in Section 5 above.

Geolocation data


    • Sources of Information – We collect geolocation data through the information you voluntarily provide to us; from the information we automatically collect; and from other sources, as outlined in Section 3(a)-(c) above.
    • Purpose of Information Collected – We collect geolocation data to provide our services; to communicate with you; for research and development and services improvement; and to comply with applicable laws, and as otherwise outlined in Section 4 above.
    • How we share it – We share geolocation data with our service providers; to protect lawful interests; and for any other purpose with your consent, as outlined in Section 5 above.



    • Sources of Information – We develop inference data through the information you voluntarily provide to us; from the information we automatically collect; and from other sources, as outlined in Section 3(a)-(c) above.
    • Purpose of Information Collected – We develop inference data to provide our services; to communicate with you, and for research, development, and services improvement, as outlined in Section 4(a)-(c) above.
    • How we share it – We share inference data with our service providers and to protect lawful interests, as outlined in Section 5 above.


How We Sell Your Information – In the preceding twelve months we have not sold personal information. We do not sell personal information, but we recognize that the CCPA defines “personal information” in such a way that making available identifiers linked to you for a benefit may be considered a “sale.”


California consumers may also use the Digital Advertising Alliance’s tool to send requests under the CCPA for a web browser to opt out of the sale of personal information by some or all of that framework’s participating companies by accessing the DAA’s tool here:, or by downloading the DAA’s AppChoices mobile application opt-out here:


Your Rights


Access to Specific Information and Data Portability Rights – Subject to certain exceptions, if you are a California resident you have the right to request a copy of the personal information that we collected about you during the 12 months before your request. Once we receive your request and verify your identity, we will disclose to you:


  • The categories of personal information we have collected about you;
  • The categories of sources for the personal information we have collected about you;
  • Our business or commercial purpose for the information collection;
  • The categories of third parties with whom we share that personal information;
  • The specific pieces of personal information we collected about you;

Deletion Request Rights – You have the right to request that we delete any of your personal information that we collected from you and retained, subject to certain exceptions.


Opting Out – As described in “How We Sell Your Information” above, California residents have the right to opt-out of having their personal information sold.


Non-Discrimination – California residents may not receive discriminatory treatment by the business for exercising your CCPA rights.


Use of an Authorized Agent to Submit a Request – Only you or a person you formally authorize to act on your behalf, may make a verifiable consumer request related to your personal information as a California consumer. If you use an authorized agent to submit such a request, we will require written proof that the authorized agent has been authorized to act on your behalf or a copy of the power-of-attorney document granting that right.

Contact Us

Fifteen Twelve Beauty

1512 Dundsas Street West

Toronto, ON M6K 1T5

Tel: 416.792.1558


Beauty & Rejuvenation Clinic

August Promo

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Fifteen Twelve Beauty beautiful woman with slick blonde hair in a tank top

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